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Back-to-School Community Mass on September 24, 2023

Carrollton's Community Mass on September 24, 2023 to celebrate the first month of school.

Carrollton is happy to be hosting Community Masses once again. Yesterday was the first Mass of the 2023-2024 Academic Year, and it was wonderful to see the Convocation Center overflowing with all constituents of our community. 

The Gospel's reading from Matthew 20:1-16 states, "The last will be first, the first will be last." Carrollton's Head of School perfectly weaved this message together with an excerpt from Life at the Sacred Heart, a prologue of oral traditions, and observations of what makes a Sacred Heart community unique. 

The excerpt she shared was, "Some of you are here for the first time, some have been here for many years. The duration does not matter. What is important is that you are a 'child of the Sacred Heart' and will always thus be known by God." 

No matter your time as a member of Carrollton's community, all are welcome to join us throughout the year as we continue to celebrate Community Masses. Mark your calendars for the next Mass on Sunday, November 5 at 11:00 a.m.