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FIU Wall of Wind Challenge

FIU Wall of Wind Challenge
  • Upper School

 Congratulations to the Upper School Honors Geometry and Intro to Mechanical and Electrical Engineering classes for their success at the FIU Wall of Wind Challenge, sponsored by FIU's International Hurricane Research Center, NSF, FDEM, and FIU's NHERI Experimental Facility.

During March, our Upper School Honors Geometry and Intro to Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students embarked on an exciting interdisciplinary project that put their teamwork and engineering skills to the test. The purpose of the FIU Wall of Wind Challenge, sponsored by FIU's International Hurricane Research Center, NSF, FDEM, and FIU's NHERI Experimental Facility, was to design a wind mitigation barrier to provide the best pedestrian comfort for a Miami Beach condominium property. Students explored the complexities of wind mitigation, channeling their insights into the design and construction of 13 innovative cardboard prototypes. They zeroed in on the most effective design through rigorous testing and refinement, showcasing their ability to navigate challenges and collaborate towards a common goal.

The winning design was then brought to life at the Carrollton Makerspace. A student building team assembled the 8-foot long model (scale 1:25). Competition building restrictions included a 9-inch maximum height, 1'-0" width, and a 4-inch wide by 4-inch high pedestrian walkway for access to the beach and Atlantic Ocean. A second team of students compiled a full Technical Design Report, and a third student team presented their findings to a panel of judges.

Finally, the moment of truth came: 35 Carrollton students watched their model face hurricane-force winds at FIU's Wall of Wind. The live wind test consisted of gradually increasing wind speeds until blocks placed behind the wall fell. The curved model deflected wind out and up, protecting all 132 blocks until nearly 20 mph wind speeds.

Students took home a well-deserved 3rd place! Congratulations to these amazing students and the faculty that mentored them. The model can be viewed in the lobby of the Convocation Center.