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Founders Thank You Reception and Cor Unum Awards

Carrollton's 2023-2024 Cor Unum Award Recipients - Antonio "Tony" and Conchi Argiz, Armando and Margarita Codina, Miguel "Mike" and Constance Fernandez, Nelson and Consuelo Rodriguez, Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ, and Ann Taylor, RSCJ.

On May 16, 2024, Carrollton hosted its Founders Thank You Reception, honoring those donors who give at the leadership level of $1,961 (the year Carrollton was founded) or above as members of Carrollton’s Founders Society.

In addition, the community individually recognized the first class of Cor Unum Award recipients - Antonio and Conchi Argiz, Armando and Margarita Codina, Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ, Nelson and Consuelo Rodriguez, Mike and Constance Fernandez, and Ann Taylor, RSCJ. 

This award recognizes leaders in our community who have given their time, talent, and treasure to help Carrollton fulfill its mission as a school of Christ's Heart in Miami. Their unwavering commitment, extraordinary charity, strategic vision, and spirit of service have shaped our school's present success and paved the way for our continued growth and success. 

On behalf of Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, our deepest gratitude to them and our Founders for their boundless generosity and enduring belief in our mission. Their impact touches the lives of students and their community and fuels our determination and ability to dream bigger and aim higher. Thank you!

Click here to learn more about the Cor Unum Award, this year's honorees, and how you can give back to Carrollton.